IEP and 504 Planning & Advocacy

I understand that IEP and 504 meetings can be intimidating. Even the best school and staff can be underprepared when it comes to educating students with more hidden conditions, such as Tourette Syndrome, Executive Function Disorder, and ADHD. Often, teams forget about the need to teach ways to learn, and fail to provide support in scaffolding skills to create independence. They can lack understanding of the behavioral impacts of a student’s diagnosis, and may attribute behaviors to willful decision making. Let alone understanding the challenges and mental cost of suppressing tics and impulses all day!

Do you need support and guidance for your child’s next IEP or 504 team meeting?

With experience in special education and school occupational therapy, I have demonstrated communication skills and insights to help your child gain access to the most beneficial accommodations.

I can attend the IEP meeting with you virtually - no matter your location!

What is included?

  • Pre-Meeting planning with assessment to collaborate on tailored recommendations for your child

  • Virtual Attendance at meetings to support you and ensure that your voice is heard

  • Provision of specialized educational materials for teaching staff, team, and administration to help them learn the important distinctions of your child’s diagnosis that they may not have learned in school

I would love to be part of your team and help turn a stressful event into a success!