Looking for help and support for your child with tics at school?

Feeling discouraged and overwhelmed thinking about this school year and all the challenges that might pop up?

❌ Don’t let your child spend another school year with stress and anxiety related to tics and Tourette.

❌ Stop wondering if this is the year that your child will finally thrive or have to face school days of suppressing tics or losing recess.

❌ End sleepless nights unsure of how to get the ball rolling to ask for help, and being unclear about what help to even ask for.

What if it were possible for your child to get exactly what they need at school?

What if you could guide the process, feeling knowledgable and confident?

Finally I’ve created a resource for you- the parent of a child or teen with tics or Tourette! It’s the guide you’ve been looking for- a resource that takes your child from struggling & stuck to school success.

No more Googling or searching online to figure out what to do or what to ask for to get your child the help they need.

It’s a resource tailor-made for you to help you navigate the waters of school support for tics and Tourette, whether your child has an IEP, 504 or just needs some help.

I’ve designed this guide specifically for you... to empower you to take control of your child’s needs at school- without an expensive advocate!

Here’s all that’s included inside this 28-page PDF guide:

✅ The step-by-step process for going from stuck and struggling to having a plan that is individualized for your child and reflects the needs of a child with a tic disorder.

✅ Plain English and easy-to-follow flow chart breakdown of the process for obtaining special education or ADA help at school (and what it means!)

✅ Ready-to-use forms to help you initiate the process and obtain an IEP or 504 for your child.

✅ Handouts with practical information to educate teachers and staff on critical topics, such as:

✏️ Suppression and Ticcing at school

✏️ What is a tic, anyway?

✏️ Addressing challenges with inhibition and behavior the right way!

✏️ Why your child needs movement to learn and attend

✅ A complete list of accommodations and modifications recommended by professionals to address the unique needs of children with Tourette and tic disorders.

✅ A comprehensive checklist to help you identify your child’s needs and which areas to target.

✅ A how-to to link your child’s with school supports that will help your child thrive. You’ll arrive at the meeting with a list of ideas and strategies and know you are prepared.

✅ Sensory techniques, accommodations and tools to address your child’s sensory processing needs at school as recommended by an occupational therapist with experience in tic disorders (me!).

✅ A resource list with my favorite vetted resources and websites.

✨ What if you felt like a confident advocate at your child’s meeting? What if you made a difference not only in the education of your child, but paved the way for kids with tics to understood?

✨What if your child was excited to go to school?

✨What if your child came back with excellent behavior reports instead of phone call or notes- all because their needs were being met?

✨What if your child’s grades improved because they could stop suppressing tics at school and actually learn?

✨What if you felt the deep inner peace and calm mind knowing your child was thriving and having a great school experience?

✨What if your child’s self confidence soared because they felt understood instead of misinterpreted?

I am an occupational therapist and tic and Tourette specialist. I’ve got years of helping people of all ages manage their tics and live better lives. My goal is to give parents the confidence and tools they need to help their kids with tics thrive at school! In my past career I was a special education teacher, and I’ve had years of experience as a therapist in the school setting- working alongside students, teachers and families.

My wish for you is that you never again feel discouraged or frustrated trying to help your child’s school recognize and address their needs.

My wish for you is that you never again have to see your child cry because they were reprimanded or punished because of a tic or tic-related behavior.

Families with a child or teen newly diagnosed with a tic disorder.

Parents confused about the process for getting help at school for their child.

Parents and caregivers who’s child has a current IEP that’s less than stellar or complete.

Parents who want to prepare a new teacher at the beginning of the school year.

Parents who are watching their child struggle and wondering how to begin.

Anyone who wants to show up brave and prepared at their child’s next IEP or 504 meeting.

This guide is specifically designed to help you navigate the process of getting help for your child if they have tics or Tourette. Many school teams and teachers are not familiar with the unique needs of kids with tic disorders. This guide will give you confidence and clear action steps to know what to do, what to ask for, and how to be the best advocate for your child!

We begin with the end in mind, getting a vivid picture of the experience you’d like your child to have in school.

You’ll consider your child’s strengths and needs in the following areas:


Needs for Active Learning and Engagement

Social Engagement with Peers and Friends

Interests and Strengths

By imagining and writing out what you’d like to see and strengths to be considered, you are well on your way to making this school experience a reality!

Here’s where we take confusion out of the equation. You’re an expert in your child, but not the school system.

I break down all the crucial need-to-knows, explaining (and showing) differences between an IEP and 504 plan.

What if you don’t even know what to ask for or how to get the ball rolling? Don’t worry- it’s all covered here!

In this section, we go in depth to consider the areas where your child needs help- especially in terms of self-regulation, impulse control, and executive functioning.

Once we’ve identified these needs, we match them up with accommodations and modifications (ways that the material can be taught or presented, strategies for teaching that are more effective for your child, access to strategies and tools, etc).

Now you’ll have specific action items to discuss and not only identified needs but solutions that you feel will benefit your child!

Now I prepare you to be the best advocate for your child!

How do you enter the meeting with the right mindset, knowledge and confidence to explain exactly what your child needs? I give you practical tools, resources and references that will help your child’s team really understand what it means to have tics!

You’ve got this!

This section includes a flow chart of the process with a bird’s eye view.

Now that you’ve done the initiation and planning, you are ready for success in advocating for your child.

Here’s where you will find printable resources for you to provide your child’s team in advance or at the meeting. If you are just starting a new school year, these are great to give to this year’s teacher.

Handouts include:

  • Tourette: It’s Not Just Tics!

  • Tics Are More Than Just Meets The Eye

  • School Year Introduction Letter

  • Q & A About Tics In The Classroom

  • Form Letter for Initiating Special Education Process

  • This product is a 29-page downloadable PDF guide with resources, checklists, and printables. No physical product will be mailed to you. You will receive an email link to download once purchased.

  • I am only an email away- and happy to explain anything that is unclear! You can reach me at mary@helpfortics.com.

  • Due to the nature of the product, we do not offer refunds. Thank you for understanding.

©2024 Help For Tics